Monday, August 11, 2008

The Shack

So on the plane ride home from San Antonio (after Kaden went to sleep...of course) I finished reading "The Shack".

Have you ever had a friend tell you how awesome a movie was? That you HAD to go and see it. Then when you go, it was good, but were expecting the BEST you left a little let down. That is how I felt about this book. I had been hearing "rave" reviews about how awesome this book was so I was extremely excited to read it.

It was a good book, but I think I was "over pumped" about it revolutionizing my life, I was a little let down. I will say is worth the read...and has some really good things to pull from it. The adminstrative pastor at The Torch did a really good message about expectations and expectancy (that I might have to creatively pilfer from him:).

So if you are looking for a good book to settle may think about picking up The Shack...just don't be overzealous about it!

Up next for me is The Seven Practices of Effective Ministry (by Andy Stanley)

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